As you walk into this next phase of your projects, the company should Establish a few things to ensure you actually get to your goals as an entertainment company.
Ensure you have established relationship with publishing society.
Begin 1 weekly mandatory meeting that define short 7 day goals we complete weekly; Led By Dre discussing all the plans & goals of the week.
Decide which attorney you guys would like to go with.
GOALS: Drive competitive advantage and profitable growth in the music industry For TTD(Task Below)
Define & Decide which artist will Launch the Label And Brand, Sign Them And Prepare for Heavy Release
Create artist website landing page for YOUNG DUB & FAST KASHHH
Print grass root marking material (ie Posters, Cut Outs, & Stickers with QC CODE Directing traffic to YOUNG DUB's Instagrams (Examples Below)
Professional 2 day PhotoShoot (In Studio / On Location)) for YOUNG DUB & FAST KASHHH
Release 3 Vlogs Videos Per Week Via, Ig, Twitter, facebook & TikTok
Add YOUNG DUB & FAST KASHHH ' New singles to all Urban, & HipHop playlist on Key streaming sites such as iTunes, Pandora, Spotify & Sound Cloud.
Create Full Roll out introducing YOUNG DUB
Tackling Key Major Online Media Outlets & Bloggers The Link Below has our options.
Promote Video & Audio video on Youtube Using You-tubes marketing tools to strategically place talent in front of targeted audience.
Bring Promo team out every time you got out. They will post all of the promo material you see above
Do Regional Urban email blast for for YOUNG DUB's single's
This now prepares you for Radio add, where now Program Directors can now have positive research on the projects; And for Promotional tours where we they can not only have positive research on the projects but Keepsake to leave behind in each radio station, clubs, store etcs ( We should hire Promo team for each tour to be fuly effective) -