"All You"
"With Out you " will give you that real 90's Summertime love. KRANIUM & QUEEN NAIJA will ignite a mood we all love and cherish from 90's videos. From intimate scenes, exaggeration, dancing and some good old fashion rain.
WE Open the video with a small conversation via text.
QUEEN NAIJA wakes up from a text from KRANIUM sitting in CHEVY ChevellE.:
"Hey babes, Im sorry."
QUEEN NAIJA, laying in chaise lounge Reads texts but does not reply.
we CUt to KRANIUM sitting in CHEVY
ChevellE performing. We Insert b-roll shots of QUEEN NAIJA Looking at her phone. SHaking her head. We will also get a performance shot of her here as well Shoot Ann performing her full verse in the scene as well. We follow them through the day into different scenes and locations.
The Chevelle
The Over Pass
We shoot KRANIUM QUEEN NAIJA on a walkway over pass . This will be a performance shot with them both, capturing b-roll of them Talking, looking over the over pass. and Just sitting there.
The Prjector Room
(solo performance)
Full performance shot of Kranium in a studio in an all white outfit. All lights out, with Projection screen of different abstract graphics