CHamp Paine
Nasty Bitxhes
"Nasty Bitxhes" will be a vibrant video that takes place in Atlanta, Ga. Classic atl with a lot of booty. Opening the video with overhead drone shot of an old school driving and then pulling up to a mansion. Before going in they look over their file with photos of Ross and Dream with a list of their crimes. Two guys get out dressed in clothing similar to the miami vice characters. A girl answers the door popping gum looks them up and down and lets them in. You see girls everywhere twerking. Cuts to Ross on a balcony for the opening line. Capture Ross throughout the house with girls twerking and b-roll of the girls, playing in the pool, putting on suntan lotion, pouring liquor on each etc. Capture b-roll of the officers throughout the house as well looking for "clues" but run into booty at every turn.