KEVO MUNEY"S "Memphis" Music-video will be a dark, grim mashup between Memphis bleeks "round here" & J Cole's "Middle child". With the lastest in motion graphics & freeze frame editing. We open with Kevo in what appears to be all black room , we see him start to rap. We see quick flashes of his background with 15 - 20 Guys in all black and black masks, then it goes back to all black. We will use this shot as a master performance

We do another performance with Kevo Solo In hood low mode with Cinematic angles to capture his hood in a way never before seen. We shoot that same shot with all the homies in the background to continue to add to the quick flashes of big pressure behind him,
We do another performance with Kevo Solo oN BEALE STREAQT TO PAY HOMAGE TO THE LEGENDARY MUSIC TOWN.
IN THIS SHOOT WE WILL INCLUDE the classic "Memphis jookin' ob the block"