“Summer Vibin' “
Tycho''s “Summer Vibin' “ video will be a take from the movie "spring breakers" Where 3 girls head to L.A. Beach for spring break to meet Tycho to party , in a world with 3d social media elements; in a augmented reality .
We open the video, with crane shot of a gang of college spring breakers gathered chilling, drinking, dancing at "party bus" stop. we see the 3 girls get dropped off at the meet up spot by an uber. The girls are draped with the finest of designer swimwear. The leading lady get's a call. We reveal Tycho out side leaning on car, She picks up, "hey babe we're otw!", he replies, "Cool, meet me at the beach", he hangs up... Thats when the music begin...

We cut to slow motions shots of the party bus ride.
We cut to performance shot of Tycho in front of car
We show b-rolls of the college kids and girl getting of the bus, waling onto beach. TURNT!!!!!
The girls enter the beach party, where they meet Rozei and friends.
We show bomb ass b-rolls of beach party vibes. Girls taking selfies & getting suntans,.Jet Ski's, Girls on scooter Beach balls, Dj, Tycho Driving Car w/ Girls.
We also will incorporate motion tracked 3d instagram likes, hearts, screens, and Hash taggs.
Car ext (Solo) daytime
Driving Car (solo) Day time
Beach Party Performance Daytime / twilight.